Instrumenting Python for Production


You've implemented every feature, and written every test. Your code is ready to go to production. But how will you know what it's doing once it's deployed? This talk covers tools and strategies for understand your application's behavior once it's in the cruel hands of your users.

Talk Description

I’ll cover approaches to instrumentation that are applicable to any python application that handles user requests or interfaces with other systems. Come and learn

  1. What is instrumentation, and why should I care?
  2. What tools should I use?
  3. Where do I get started in my codebase?
  4. How should I name things?
  5. Now how do I use this?

About the Talk

About the Author

Brian studied political science in college, but when his thesis contained more python code than prose it was clear where his true loyalties lay. He’s worked in operations roles for the past nince years and currently carries the pager for Mozilla. He lives in Atlanta his wife, son, two cats, and collection of 1990s Unix workstations.