Safety and Other Lies We Tell Ourselves


This session will investigate the lies we tell ourselves that both help and hinder our individual and organizational success. Participants will be given an opportunity to explicitly identify self-deceptions and identify an action that begins the journey to deeper self-awareness.

Talk Description

The key role of leaders in Agile organizations is to enable the mindset, values, and principles of Agile to take shape in their teams and organizational culture. This means that leaders must also go through a transformation in which they face the self-deceptions that helped them get where they are but now hinder their ability to support their organization. All transformation efforts are a journey through change whether they be for one person or many. Awareness of one’s self-deception offers an opportunity to investigate what is really driving the behaviors that support and undermine the journey.

This session will investigate the lies we tell ourselves that both help and hinder our individual and organizational success. Participants will be given an opportunity to explicitly identify self-deceptions and identify an action that begins the journey to deeper self-awareness.

Learning Objectives:

Participants will be able to

About the Talk

About the Author

Jessica Katz is a trainer, mentor and coach helping people find and nurture their authentic selves. Through Liberated Elephant, Jessica works with individuals and teams to help them dig deep into self-discovery, and with their new knowledge, helps them find the solutions hidden within their subconscious. Her methodology is informed by Agile project management, creating a safe space for her clients to bring their full selves without judgement. She believes that corporations and their employees are at the beginning of a culture shift from profit to purpose. As companies, teams, and individuals begin to make this transition, they are often faced with unspoken barriers. These barriers are usually known or sensed and are often called the elephant in the room. Those elephants remove a sense of psychological safety in working environments. Jessica's vision is that all Elephants can be acknowledged and transformed. That all work environments can be made psychologically safe. That all employees can be fully engaged and creatively solve difficult problems.